Celebrating 30 Years of Historic Preservation
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Barry Overcash Headshot
Facilities and Maintenance Manager
Empire Properties

Barry joined Empire in 2008 to oversee the maintenance and contractors on all of Empire’s properties and Empire Eats’ restaurants. He also manages maintenance budgets, oversees capital and repair planning and manages fire and life safety for all properties.

Barry attended NC Wesleyan College and East Carolina University, and he has a HVACR Professional Development Certificate from UNC-Wilmington. He also has a Universal EPA Certification. Barry has more than 20 years of experience in facilities management.

Before joining Empire, he worked in facilities management at Teer Associates and Magnequench Inc.

Empire BrokerageEmpire Hard Hat ConstructionThe L BuildingAll Saints ChapelThe Stockrooom at 230The Glass BoxEmpire EatsEmpire Eats Catering